Posts In: energy work

3 Wednesday Evenings 4:30 PM-9:30 PM
November 7th, 14th & 28th, 2018

Discover and explore how Himalayan Singing Bowls are used for sound & vibrational healing. This course is overseen and licensed by the Atma Buti School in Boulder, Colorado and introduces attendees to the history and lineage of the sacred Singing Bowls and how they’re made. Students learn about the different singing bowls available, techniques for rubbing, striking and playing bowls and tingshaws as well as eight different ancient protocols to enhance & deepen your healing & meditation practice.

Designed with physicians, mental health professionals, healers, massage therapists, chiropractors & sound therapists in mind. Open to beginners as well. This course fulfills 15 CEU credits for continuing education purposes, please contact your learning institution.

Due to the nature of the material, class size in Manhattan is currently limited to 4. Group & private instruction available at Kathy’s singing bowl studio or your location upon request, see below for contact information to arrange a singing bowl certification course at your location.

PLEASE NOTE: Prepayment of course exchange is required before the start of series. Please visit the “Payments” page to submit registration and payment. Any missed classes require make up sessions (for an additional fee of $450.00 per session) to complete certification.

Read more and register here Workshops

Kathy will be at Canyon Ranch, an All Inclusive Health Resort & Luxury Spa located in the Berkshires of Lenox, Massachusetts, on December 9th through December 10!

Now more than ever is an ideal time to take time for yourself and nurture your wellbeing – especially headed into the holiday season. This is a very special opportunity – sharing the bowls with people at Canyon Ranch. I hope you can join me!

~ Kathy

About Canyon Ranch’s Health & Wellness Services:

Learn how to feel your best every day, at every age. At the beautifully equipped Integrative Health Center in Bellefontaine Mansion, you’ll find a depth of holistic, integrative medical care far beyond that at any other wellness spa, and opportunities to establish healthy habits for life. You can have a full physical evaluation, as well as a complete range of diagnostic services for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic disorders, sleep disorders and genomics testing. The Canyon Ranch approach to medicine integrates the most effective Western and non-Western practices to provide the best comprehensive preventive care available. And where else can you spend 50 minutes with a top board-certified physician? [read more]

About Canyon Ranch’s Spa services:

Canyon Ranch is recognized throughout the world for unique, innovative programs that integrate fitness, nutrition, preventive health care and spiritual growth. In this singular vacation destination, you can enjoy a spa vacation and be inspired to transform your life. [read more]

Sound Therapy with Singing Bowls at Canyon Ranch

Friday – December 9th @ 4pm – Yoga Studio

Soothing yoga slows your body – reducing physical and emotional stress – as the sounds of the singing bowls become vibrational healing moving through and around you.

Saturday – December 10th @ 8pm – Yoga Studio

End your day with this peaceful unguided meditation using the vibrations of warm water and essential oil infused singing bowls. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing free of buttons and zippers.

To book your stay at Canyon Ranch go to

Energy… it’s everywhere. It’s in our homes, offices, workplaces…even in our cars. It’s in the places we tend to spend a lot of time in and as a result can sometimes become stuck or stagnant. You’ll witness stagnant energy manifest in a number of ways; frequent arguments, tiredness, accumulating clutter, and an overall feeling of negativity are just some of the signs that point to stuck energy accumulating in your environment. Singing bowls are used to shift, remove and cleanse stagnant energy to create a clear, calm, serene and peaceful surrounding. It’s literally a breath of fresh air that rings and sweeps through your entire space to harmonize and reconnect with the soul and energy of the Universe and the Divine.

10 Steps to Purifying Space with a Singing Bowl

  1. Make sure the space is physically clean and clear of clutter.
  2. Standing, begin with your bowl in your open palm & take three deep breaths.
  3. Take a moment to set your intention & connect with Source/the Divine/God.
  4. Chant “OM” three times & clear your mind.
  5. Place one or two pieces of small, dried, white clary sage or palo santo wood or incense into your bowl. Light and blow to smudge/smolder (NOTE: Be sure to have a small cloth handy to place underneath the bowl. This protects your hand from heat, making sure the bowl does not become too hot to handle).
  6. Now walk through the entire space in a clockwise pattern, slowly ringing the bowl with a striker & softly blowing the smoke with a cleansing breath while quietly saying a prayer of intention. Call in your Guides/Masters/Angelic Beings to assist & support you throughout this purification.
  7. Thank & be in peace with all entities. Those who are no longer needed are asked to leave by the power of the “I AM”. Say this out loud, repeatedly, as you clear the space.
  8. Make sure to sweep spaces in corners, under beds, in closets and in dark places throughout the space.
  9. After you have finished smudging, clean and fill your bowl with water. Bless the water with your intention. The water now becomes holy and healing with your intention set.
  10. Walk through the space again while ringing your bowl with a striker. As the water sprays from the bowl say out loud, “I bless this space with light, love and peace to heal in the arms of the Divine”.

A few things to note…it’s best to make sure to open a few windows before burning sage or you may have a couple more bells going off besides your singing bowl! Also, singing bowls are comprised of seven sacred metals, one being copper, which is an excellent conductor of heat.

Be mindful & take precautions that your bowl does not get too hot when you are smudging with sage.

After space clearing with a singing bowl, you will notice an overwhelming feeling of lightness, brightness and rejuvenation throughout the space you’ve just cleansed and also within your whole being. For there is no separation from what’s outside and what lies within.



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